A tooth friendly diet or a healthy diet can help you to smile brighter and keep your gums healthy. Many nutrients including vitamin C, vitamin D and calcium are essential for your oral health. Oral health is essential to maintain a bright smile, but you need to watch what you eat and drink. Certain…
The eruption of the first teeth in a baby’s mouth is a big event, but teething can be stressful for both the baby and the parent. Babies may show signs of discomfort in the area where the tooth is coming in, the gums around the tooth may be swollen and tender, and the baby may…
The food we choose to eat can affect our health and can cause problems with our teeth and gums. Since fruits are high in water and fiber, they help to balance the sugars they contain and help to clean your teeth. A well-balanced diet, rich in fruits and vegetables, may help to prevent dental…
Getting children to do anything even mildly uncomfortable or boring is often quite a challenge, and brushing their teeth is no exception. Whether you have a fussy kid on your hands who detests brushing his/her teeth or just a child with poor oral hygiene habits and a faulty brushing technique, the Five tips below can…
A cavity is a defect in your tooth formed due to loss of integrity of the protective enamel by acid producing bacteria in the presence of carbohydrates. Without being treated these defects become larger in size and can even destroy your tooth! Stages of Tooth Decay/ Cavity formation: ● Stage 1: A white or brown…
Yes, many people have Dental Anxiety or Dental Phobia, but you need not worry; we are here to help. Did you know that dental anxiety and dental phobia is not the same thing? Dental anxiety is where a patient has an uneasiness about his/her dental appointments. On the other hand, dental phobia is an intense…
The health of your mouth says a lot about your overall wellness. Taking good care of your mouth, teeth and gums is a worthy goal. A lot of people still have misconceptions about their oral health. Therefore, it is important that we understand the myths and facts about our teeth. Here are some of them:…
Summer Season is the most exciting period for kids everywhere. The anticipation of a break from school, no homework, and fun with friends is what makes it exciting! But we as parents need to see the bigger picture. They will be all smiles but to nurture and care for their smiles is our responsibility. Here…
Dentures are a removable replacement of one’s missing teeth. There are two types, partial and complete. Complete Dentures are used when all natural teeth are missing; whereas partial dentures are used when a few natural teeth are missing. Irrespective of the type of denture you use, it becomes very important to keep them clean and in…
Technology has seen dentistry grow by leaps & bounds. And dental fillings are one of the key areas where dentistry has grown drastically. Earlier when it came to fillings, amalgam fillings were the only way one could get cavities filled. Now with fillings like Composites and Porcelain entering the realm of dentistry realm, people have…