A tooth friendly diet or a healthy diet can help you to smile brighter and keep your gums healthy. Many nutrients including vitamin C, vitamin D and calcium are essential for your oral health. Oral health is essential to maintain a bright smile, but you need to watch what you eat and drink. Certain…
Getting children to do anything even mildly uncomfortable or boring is often quite a challenge, and brushing their teeth is no exception. Whether you have a fussy kid on your hands who detests brushing his/her teeth or just a child with poor oral hygiene habits and a faulty brushing technique, the Five tips below can…
The decision to quit smoking may be easy, but sticking with the decision is the hard part! Yes, it is hard but not impossible. Many of us are aware of the harmful effects smoking and other tobacco products have on our lungs and overall health. But you will be surprised to learn smoking can also…
Kids can need braces for several reasons, including overlapping, crooked or overcrowded teeth, or a ‘malocclusion’ (commonly known as bad bite). Malocclusion is when there’s a discrepancy in the arrangement or alignment of the upper and lower teeth or a discrepancy in the growth of the upper and lower jaws. Braces correct these issue…
Dentures are a removable replacement of one’s missing teeth. There are two types, partial and complete. Complete Dentures are used when all natural teeth are missing; whereas partial dentures are used when a few natural teeth are missing. Irrespective of the type of denture you use, it becomes very important to keep them clean and in…
Technology has seen dentistry grow by leaps & bounds. And dental fillings are one of the key areas where dentistry has grown drastically. Earlier when it came to fillings, amalgam fillings were the only way one could get cavities filled. Now with fillings like Composites and Porcelain entering the realm of dentistry realm, people have…
What is a cavity? When foods with carbohydrates, like bread, cereal, milk, soda, fruit, cake, or candy stay on your teeth, the bacteria in your mouth turn them into acids. The bacteria, acid, food debris, and your saliva combine to form plaque, which clings to the teeth. The acids in plaque dissolve the enamel, creating holes called cavities. A…
You are what you eat and when it comes to your teeth, this saying stays true. Eating the right fruits and vegetables helps promote healthy teeth and gums, reducing the risk of tooth loss. It’s also an effective way of developing immunity. We shall dwell over a few fruits and vegetables that not only keep…
Tooth enamel is the toughest and most highly mineralized substance in your body. It is also one of the four major tissues that make up the tooth in human beings and several other animals. Although it might have a reputation of being the toughest, it is still prone to certain problems like decay, chip…
Your gums are made of a soft yet, tenacious tissue designed to cover the bones supporting your teeth. They form a tight seal around your teeth and act as a barrier to disease causing bacteria. If plaque is not removed, it can release toxins that irritate and inflame the gums, causing a condition called gingivitis. If…