Sometimes during accidents we may suffer from injuries on our mouth and inside the oral cavity. Teeth are remarkably strong for being so small. However, they can still chip, crack, and break in many ways. But don’t worry; there are many treatment options available to address these cracks and breaks. Some of the…
The eruption of the first teeth in a baby’s mouth is a big event, but teething can be stressful for both the baby and the parent. Babies may show signs of discomfort in the area where the tooth is coming in, the gums around the tooth may be swollen and tender, and the baby may…
Getting children to do anything even mildly uncomfortable or boring is often quite a challenge, and brushing their teeth is no exception. Whether you have a fussy kid on your hands who detests brushing his/her teeth or just a child with poor oral hygiene habits and a faulty brushing technique, the Five tips below can…
Kids can need braces for several reasons, including overlapping, crooked or overcrowded teeth, or a ‘malocclusion’ (commonly known as bad bite). Malocclusion is when there’s a discrepancy in the arrangement or alignment of the upper and lower teeth or a discrepancy in the growth of the upper and lower jaws. Braces correct these issue…
Summer Season is the most exciting period for kids everywhere. The anticipation of a break from school, no homework, and fun with friends is what makes it exciting! But we as parents need to see the bigger picture. They will be all smiles but to nurture and care for their smiles is our responsibility. Here…
Very often we meet parents, who believe that milk teeth are not as important as the permanent ones and it’s alright to get them extracted instead of getting them treated! Well, the truth is, not only are milk teeth important for nutrition, they are also crucial in maintaining space for the permanent teeth to come…
Taking good care of your child’s milk teeth is very crucial. Milk teeth do eventually fall out, but until they do, they play a significant role. You need to take care of your child’s milk teeth, right from brushing their first tooth to their first trip to the dentist. A regular teeth-cleaning and topical fluoride…
Tooth decay isn’t a problem that affects only adults. Milk tooth decay is a problem among children ages 2 to 11 who develop a cavity in their primary/milk teeth. It really makes the parents wonder what causes tooth decay, how to treat and in the first place how to prevent it. Here are…
Tooth decay and other painful dental problems are due to lack of proper oral care. Most of us adults admit that we weren’t given the proper guidelines for dental care as kids. It is now our time to make kids love dental care and have healthier teeth.