What will happen if you prematurely extract your kids milk tooth?
Very often we meet parents, who believe that milk teeth are not as important as the permanent ones and it’s alright to get them extracted instead of getting them treated! Well, the truth is, not only are milk teeth important for nutrition, they are also crucial in maintaining space for the permanent teeth to come out, or erupt.
Effects of early milk tooth extraction:
It’s extremely essential to not remove your kid’s milk teeth before the appropriate time. Early milk tooth extraction might lead to following problems:
1) Decreased chewing efficiency.
2) Delayed eruption of permanent teeth.
3) Difficulty in speech and phonetics when front teeth are lost.This makes the child self conscious and uncomfortable in the presence of other people.
4) Malalignment of permanent teeth, which necessitates future orthodontic treatment.
5) Premature milk tooth extraction may frighten the child, and the child will become less cooperative to dental procedures in the future.
When to remove milk teeth:
There are many reasons that children sometimes need to have their milk teeth extracted. Some include:
1) When the milk tooth doesn’t fall out on its own even after the permanent teeth have erupted or are ready to erupt.
2) When the milk tooth is grossly carious, abscessed or broken down and it is not possible to restore it to function.
3) The doctor has determined that it is necessary to remove the milk tooth as part of orthodontic treatment.
4) An accident or trauma has fractured your child’s tooth.
Whether or not to have your child’s tooth removed is an answer only your dentist can best advise on. This is dependent upon each child’s unique growth schedule and needs.
Have a word with your dentist to determine what is best for your child.
For assistance in pediatric dentistry, visit The Dental Spa!