5 Things You Need To Know About Your Kid’s Dental Caps
As a parent, it’s vital for you to understand every minute detail of your child’s health. Dental Caps/Crowns are placed over damaged teeth to provide protection, but how much do you really know about dental caps?
- When is a Dental Cap necessary?
- A Dental Cap may be needed when an endodontically treated tooth has lost a lot of healthy tooth structure and needs additional protection.
- A Dental Cap is specifically designed to protect and restore damaged, fractured or decayed teeth. It replicates the anatomy of a natural tooth, thus restoring its normal form and function.
- How will I know if my kid needs to get a Dental Cap?
- Dental examination procedures and radiographs are used to identify and diagnose the needs of a tooth.
- Deep decay that is growing between two teeth, or a fractured tooth, will often need pulp therapy followed by a dental cap to properly restore and protect the damaged tooth.
- How does receiving a Dental Cap work?
- Local anesthetic will be used around the tooth.
- The tooth will be prepped from all sides and a pre-fabricated stainless steel or a soft zirconia crown will be adapted onto the prepped tooth.
- Dental “cement” is used to bond the Dental Cap to the tooth.
- The Dental Cap is thus fitted to restore proper form and function to the damaged tooth.
- How will my kid benefit from a Dental Cap?
A Dental Cap is designed to:
- Protect a weak tooth from breaking or restore a broken or severely worn down tooth.
- Restore the full function of a damaged tooth and restore the ability of a child to chew and speak properly.
- Help maintain the essential space needed for the permanent tooth to erupt in its proper physiologic position.
- Help reduce the need for more extensive orthodontic treatment later in life.
- How long will the Dental Cap provide protection?
- Dental Caps on a baby tooth are designed to protect the tooth until it exfoliates (falls off) naturally.
Dental Caps can help your kid get healthier, and stronger teeth. Come, get the right treatment at The Dental Spa.