What does a Dentist look for in a Dental Checkup?

A dental checkup or examination appointment is a very important opportunity for a dentist to identify any early signs which can deteriorate  your oral health. We recommend a routine dental checkup to all our patients, though, not many take it seriously. People often ignore the regular dental checkup advice, because they don’t feel any pain pertaining their oral health. The problem is people don’t know the importance of a dental checkup, and how does it benefit them.




Read on to know what exactly does a dentist look for in a dental checkup, and how does it benefit you:


  1. Detect dental problems at a very early stage

Dental problems, and diseases don’t occur suddenly. There are signs and symptoms of every dental problem, or disease. A routine dental checkup is an excellent opportunity for a dentist to identify the signs and symptoms of a dental problem, and treat/stop them at an early stage.


  1. X-rays, to detect dental disease or for checking bone loss due to gum disease

Often dentists suggest their patients to opt for x-rays in a routine dental checkup. This is because dental decay is often difficult to see with the naked eye, x-rays are used to study the surface beneath the tooth. X rays are also used for checking bone loss, which can be caused by gum disease. Commonly, dental decay underneath fillings or crowns, and between the teeth, is examined in a routine dental checkup.


  1. Bone quality and quantity around the tooth

Your dentist will also check for the bone quality and quantity around the tooth, because when gum disease is left untreated for months it can cause the bone that supports the tooth to start shrinking. This effect on the bone is irreversible, and advances of the same can even lead to tooth loss.


  1. Check for signs of oral cancer

With oral cancer rates significantly rising, a dentist carefully checks the lining of your mouth and tongue to check for signs of oral cancer. After the examination, if necessary the dentist further refers you to a specialist for treatment.


  1. Teeth Grinding and Crowding

Teeth grinding and crowding is particularly common these days and linked to stress as a cause. The effect of the same is misalignment of the teeth, and the jaw can become permanently damaged if left untreated.


How does a routine dental checkup benefit you?

A routine dental checkup may appear to be a chore, but it can potentially save you thousands of rupees from expensive treatments – and even save your life!

Moreover, there is more scientific evidence emerging about the connection between oral health, and your overall health. Thus, start giving importance to your oral health before it’s too late!


Want to get your routine dental checkup done? The Dental Spa is just an appointment away!