How often should you replace your toothbrush?

Examine your toothbrush the next time you brush your teeth. Are the bristles on your toothbrush straight, or are they frayed? Is there dried debris at the base of the bristles? If it’s the latter, you probably are in need of a new toothbrush!




Many dentists agree that you should change your toothbrush every 3 months, after 3 months the wear and tear of the toothbrush reduces its efficiency of removing plaque from teeth and gums compared to new ones. The bristles break down and lose their effectiveness in getting to all those tricky corners around your teeth.  As the bristles wear down, the toothbrush can actually cause damage to teeth and gum tissue. In some cases, it’s good to replace a toothbrush even before 3 months.

People are concerned about the whiteness of their teeth, but forget to take care of their toothbrush – the tool used to keep their teeth clean. Studies show that on an average, most people use the same toothbrush for nine months. Over time, toothbrushes can become infested with bacteria. The germs are collected from the mouth, and accumulate in the bristles of your toothbrush. When toothbrushes touch each other, the germs can spread easily from one toothbrush to another.

So, what can you do to help decrease the bacteria, and viruses on our toothbrush for better health?

  • Replace your brush after every two to three months, or when the bristles look worn or frayed. Use a toothbrush style recommended by your dentist.
  • Brush your teeth for at least two minutes each time you brush.
  • Rinse the toothbrush with hot water after each use, and remove any toothpaste or debris.
  • Store the toothbrush standing up in a cup or toothbrush holder – making sure the other toothbrushes do not touch – and let it air dry.
  • Change your toothbrush after a cold, flu, mouth infection or sore throat, as germs can hide in the bristles and may result in reinfection.
  • Don’t share toothbrushes.


A toothbrush is an important tool in your efforts to maintain a great smile and good oral health throughout life. Some people prefer a traditional manual toothbrush, and others like an electric version. Whichever you prefer, remember to frequently replace your toothbrush or brush attachment to ensure the bristles are effective in removing plaque and food debris from your teeth.

Show your teeth the love they deserve by visiting The Dental Spa, and they’ll thank you with a lifetime of happy, healthy-looking smiles.